In June 2023 the NSW Government announced the Independent Review into the Statutory Framework for Small-Scale Titles in NSW (the Review).
The Review is analysing the current state of the opal industry in NSW, and the statutory framework for opals under the Mining Act 1992, to make recommendations that will deliver practical and beneficial changes to the way the current small-scale title framework operates.
The Review is being led by the Hon. Terry Sheahan AO, supported by Norton Rose Fulbright Australia. Following recent engagement with key stakeholders, the Review has released an Issues Paper, and is seeking your feedback on a range of issues associated with small-scale opal mining.
You can make a submission on any matter within the scope of the Terms of Reference, you do not need to limit your submission to the topics raised by the Issues Paper.
Feedback on this Issues Paper will inform the final report and recommendations to be delivered by the Review.
Your personal information will only be used for the purpose you are providing it in this form. Please read the Privacy Collection Notice for more information about how we handle your information.
Have your say
Have your say by Sunday 31st March 2024.
Note: If you want a submission made directly to the review to be anonymous, make sure it is clearly marked ‘Confidential’.
There are 3 ways you can submit your feedback.
Online Consultation – Have your say: Independent Review of Small-Scale Titles
Email – [email protected]
Formal Submission – Address: Ms Saxon, Norton Rose Fulbright Australia, GPO Box 3872, Sydney 2001.

Image copyright
Photographer David Barnes, Geological Survey of New South Wales ©